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How to Take Care of Your Glasses

For many people, glasses are essential to see clearly. It is important to take proper care of your eyeglasses so that your vision is the best that it can be, and you don't have to spend money fixing or replacing them. You should clean your glasses regularly, and when you handle them, take precautions to prevent scratching. With proper maintenance, your glasses can last for years.

Cleaning Method for Your Glasses

1.Run your glasses under warm water.
Run the tap so that the water is lukewarm. Hold your frames beneath the water.  Avoid using hot water as this can damage your glasses. This removes dust and other particles that can scratch the lens if rubbed into it.

2.Add a drop of dish detergent.
If you do not have detergent, you may also use a gentle hand soap or a special eyeglass lens cleaner. With your fingers, rub the detergent over the frames. Make sure to cover both sides of the lenses. Rinse.

3.Dry with a clean cloth.
You should use a microfiber cloth or a smooth weave cotton cloth. Gently, rub circles over your glasses until they are dry. Avoid using paper towels, rough rags, or tissues, as these might scratch your lenses or leave lint on the glass.

4.Wipe off smudges with a lens cloth.
In between cleanings, you can use a microfiber lens cloth to wipe off any smudges. Gently move the cloth in circles over each lens. Avoid using your shirt or a paper towel as these can scratch the lens. Laundry treated with fabric softener and/or dryer sheets can leave streaks on the lens, so avoid using your shirt to wipe your lens, or using a cloth that has been laundered using these products.